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Off Road Movie Poster

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Assignment #I dont know: Pizza Logo: Pizza Box: Pizza Billboard:

Movie Premiere

Road Sign


Assignment #i have no idea The good design The bad design With this design, I decided to create the basic "I love ..." t-shirt. I did I love grAfic desIgn, spelling graphic design wrong. I also created a text box with the Lorem ipsum text on top of each other. The photos are really bad clip art. I found the smiley face and the veggie burger under "smile clip art." No idea why the veggie burger was there so I put that in as well. The handsome Squidward is a screenshot of crome instead of saving the photo. Everything else is just random stuff.  The good design Back Sleeve Pocket


Assignment #5: I decided to do my jacket really busy since it was originally tye-dye. My jacket consists of Marvel posters (since I like superheroes in case you did not know that), some of my favorite books and my favorite music artists. For my face, I decided to go simple and do clouds. I may or may not have stolen this idea from Malia's. I did not want my face to be crazy so going for a simple pattern was better. The face took me the longest since you have to look at values. My hair was probably the easiest. I got really lucky with a photo and the lighting so it matches my hair.  I hope you like it.... you better like it. It took me way too long. 

The Altered Page

Assignment #7: I decided to alter each part to relate to marvel. I originally wanted to add more detail to the Captain America shield, but I could not fit an image that would make it look good.